Certain AMS Fees have opt-out provisions. Submit your opt-out requests within the designated period:
As decided in the referendum of March 2022, students may now opt-out of the certain AMS Fees using digital means.
Students are only able to opt-out during the term in which they are assessed AMS Fees on Workday. This is typically during the term they first started their studies at UBC. For example:
A student who first started their studies at UBC in Winter Term 1 of 2019 (2019W1) will have their AMS Fees assessed during Winter Term 1 of each academic year.
If you have already opted-out in Term 1, you do not need to opt-out again in Term 2.
Please pay for your fees before opting-out, fees will be returned to your account as a credit.
The following fees can be opt-out digitally using an online form linked below. Before you continue, we would like to invite you to understand where each fee goes and the groups benefitting, so you can make an informed decision.
Resource Group Fee
The Resource Groups fee funds student-led Resource Groups, consisting of Pride, the Women’s Centre, the Social Justice Centre, the Student Environment Centre, Disabilities United Collective, and Colour Connected. To find out more about what each Resource Group does, visit the Resource Groups Page. Should you choose to opt-out, you can still use their services and attend events.
Campus Culture and Performance Fee
The Campus Culture and Performance Fee helps fund seven student-led AMS Clubs designated by the referendum of March 2016: the UBC Film Society, the Blank Vinyl Project, the UBC Debate Society, UBC Slam, the UBC Jazz Café Club, the UBC Players’ Club, and the UBC Musical Theatre Troupe, or their successors.
Permanent Thrift Store on Campus Fee
The Permanent Thrift Shop on Campus Fee helps fund the establishment and operation of a thrift store (Get Thrifty) on campus. Get Thrifty is located on the Lower Level of the UBC Life Building.
Bike Co-op/Bike Kitchen Fee
The Bike Kitchen fee supports the community bike shop in the Life Building. The Bike Kitchen provides UBC students and the wider community with an accessible environment where they can learn to fix bicycles, share resources, and work together. They engage in cycling education, outreach, and advocacy to promote cycling as a safe, affordable and sustainable means of transportation. To learn more about the Bike Kitchen, visit their website: thebikekitchen.ca
CiTR Fee
The CiTR Fee supports the operation of CiTR 101.9FM and Discorder Magazine. CiTR is the only student-operated radio station in Canada and provides free training for its membership who produce 100 different original radio programs and podcasts per year. Discorder Magazine is one of Vancouver’s longest-running free, locally-focussed arts and culture magazines. Both CiTR and Discorder are committed to platforming local and under-represented voices, while also offering low-barrier access to anyone interested in gaining experience and training in media production.
Learn more about the CiTR at their website: https://www.citr.ca/
Ubyssey Publication Fee
The Ubyssey Publications Society is responsible for the production of both online and print editions of the “Ubyssey”. Student Fees are used exclusively to cover costs associated with production: Student wages, Software licensing and development, Office expenses, and Printing. All students who contribute fees become members of the Society and can participate/contribute to the production and development of the Ubyssey by either becoming a staff writer or by participating through our student-led Board of Directors. UBC Student support was essential in “The Ubyssey” winning Several National Journalism awards over the past years including: “Canada’s Best Student Publication for 2022/23” as voted by the Canadian University Press
If you require opt-out services please visit www.ubyssey.ca and select the “More” dropdown located at the top of our home page and scroll to the Opt Out link provided. Verify that you have been assessed Ubyssey charges before filling out the form.
If you would like to opt-out of the Ubyssey, please click here.
Health & Dental Plan Fee
If you have existing medical coverage you can opt-out of the AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan. Be sure to do this within the Change-of-Coverage Period. If you start school in Winter Term 1, the change-of-coverage period is from August 21st – September 25th, 2023. If you are a new student starting in Winter Term 2, the Change-of-Coverage Period is from January 3rd – January 24th, 2024. There are no opt-outs during the summer.
Questions? The Health & Dental Plan office is located in NEST 3128. Please visit the Studentcare Website for virtual options and Studentcare Contact information.
U-Pass Fee
Learn more about U-Pass exemptions and opt-out options.
In accordance with the AMS code of procedures Section XII, Article 3(7) and pursuant to AMS Bylaw 14(9), Active Members of the Society who are not eligible for the exclusive services of the Health and Dental Plan and the U-Pass program* due to their special fee exemption status, may Opt-In to the Society’s fees in order to receive the aforementioned benefits.
The following students are eligible to opt-in
*Note: Study Abroad program students are not eligible for the U-Pass program in line with Translink requirements due to courses being non-tuition and non-credit bearing. These students wishing to opt-in will not be assessed U-Pass fees.
Students cannot opt into any one fee. If you wish to opt-in, you are opting in to all AMS fees, cost may be higher than anticipated be sure to review all fees and prepare in advance.
Submit your opt-in requests within the designated period below*:
*Note: There are no opt-in request periods for Summer terms.
Health and Dental Plan Opt-in Note: Students wishing to opt into the Health and Dental Plan must self-enroll with student care after paying the fees on SSC.
U-Pass Opt-in Eligibility Criteria: Students must be registered in full-time or part-time studies with a minimum of 3 credits, or assessed tuition fees of more than $740.80/term or $185.20/month. Exchange students from abroad who fulfill this criteria are already automatically enrolled in the U-Pass.
For any questions, or further information on Opt-in’s, Opt-outs or Subsidies, please contact fundsandgrants@ams.ubc.ca (cc: avpfinance@ams.ubc.ca)