AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan Committee

AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan Committee

AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan Committee

Terms of Reference

The Committee shall be composed of nine (9) members:

  • the AMS President or their designate;
  • the AMS Vice-President Finance;
  • one (1) AMS councillor to be appointed each May;
  • the GSS President;
  • one (1) GSS councillor to be appointed each May;
  • one (1) representative from the Regent College Student Association (non-voting);
  • one (1) representative from the VSTSA(non-voting);
  • one (1) representative from the Plan Administrator (non-voting);

The Committee Shall:

  • manage, allocate, and distribute all monies collected from UBC students for the plan including the Extended Health and Dental Plan Reserve Fund and
    the Extended Health and Dental Plan Assistance Fund;
  • be responsible for the adjudication of applications for the AMS/GSS Extended Health and Dental Plan Assistance Fund;
  • make annual recommendations to the AMS Council on changes to the AMS/GSS Extended Health and Dental Fee;
  • receive and distribute semi-annual reports from the AMS Vice-President Finance on the financial status of all monies associated with the Plan;
  • hear complains, comments, and concerns from students at UBC and work with the Plan Provider and Plan Administrator to resolve any arising issues;
  • act as a contact body with the Plan Provider and University with respect to the management and administration of the plan;
  • direct the Plan Provider and Plan Administrator where and when necessary;
  • oversee the annual renegotiation of the Plan with the Plan Provider and;
  • if desired, seek out proposals from a new plan provider and submit any such plan to the AMS Council and GSS Council for their approval.



Meeting Minutes


2021 Minutes (Full Year)

2020 Minutes (Full Year)

2019 Minutes (Full Year)

2018 Minutes (Full Year)

2017 Minutes (Full Year)