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Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee
Terms of Reference
The Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee shall be composed of:
- five (5) non-Executive Council members, all appointed by Council and one of whom shall be the chair;
- the President, who shall be the Vice-Chair;
- the Chair of the Governance Committee, or if they’re already a member of the Committee, another non-executive voting member of Council who serves on the Governance Committee, and shall be appointed by the Governance Committee
The Governance Review Ad Hoc Committee shall:
- lead a comprehensive review of the governance structure of the Society and keep Council regularly updated on their progress;
- consult all relevant stakeholders on the governance review and provide a feedback mechanism for stakeholders during the review process
- collaborate with Committees, the Executive, and Staff to create recommendations for Council to consider for governance changes to the Society;
- regularly update and report to Council on the progress of their work and consult Council on recommendations as they are developed;
- consult the entire membership on the status quo and different options for proposed governance changes before creating a final report;
- create a final report including a recommended constitution, bylaw, policy, and code changes for Council to consider and adopt;
- develop a plan to implement all recommendations in the final report provided to Council including any necessary referendums and more;
- have a mandate as determined and approved by AMS Council;
- perform other duties as required by Council to complete a fulsome governance review.
Meeting Times
Summer 2022: The Governance Review Committee meets weekly on Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. For information on attending Governance Review Committee meetings, please contact the chair at jmaxholmes@gmail.com.
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes