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AMS Council & Committees
Ombuds Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference
From the UBC Ombudsperson Office Terms of Reference (2020):
The Vancouver and Okanagan Ombuds Advisory Committees have the following functions:
- To provide the Ombudsperson with advice and guidance about issues and trends relating to students’ experience of fairness at UBC; to identify areas for systemic improvements; and to support and promote the Ombuds Office across the university community on both campuses.
- To act as a Selection Advisory Committee to make a recommendation regarding the selection of an Ombudsperson to the President. This Committee may make a recommendation for termination if necessary, which will be considered by the President. In performing this function, the Selection Advisory Committee will include student, staff and faculty representation from both Ombuds Advisory Committees.
- To receive, review and respond to the complaints or comments concerning the performance or function of the Ombudsperson, which shall be submitted directly to the Chairs of the Committees, noting that the Committees will not be permitted to review, overturn or otherwise interfere in any finding or recommendation of the Ombudsperson with respect to any individual case.
- To review the UBC Office of the Ombudsperson for Students and these Terms of Reference at least every five years and recommend changes to the President as needed.
- To meet at least once per semester to address any concerns, questions or issues relating to the UBC Office of the Ombudsperson for Students.
- For privacy reasons, the Committees will not hear details that would reveal the identity of individuals involved in specific cases.
The Vancouver Ombuds Advisory Committee will be comprised of nine (9) voting members, upon appointment by the President:
- Five (5) Members from offices such as VP Students, Centre for Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion, Office of the University Counsel, and the Faculties.
- One (1) Faculty Association designate (to be nominated by the Faculty Association)
- One (1) Graduate Student Society designate (to be nominated by the GSS Council)
- Two (2) Alma Mater Society designate (to be nominated by the AMS Council)
Appointments to the Ombuds Advisory Committee will be staggered such that half of the members will remain each year so as to maintain continuity and institutional memory.
The Ombudsperson and the Ombuds Officer may attend meetings of the Committee unless requested otherwise, but they are not members of the Committee.
The Chair will be chosen from the Committee members by majority vote of the Committee and may be any member of the Committee. Members are appointed to the Committee for two year terms, which may be renewed. If a case comes to the UBC Office of the Ombudsperson for Students concerning any member of the Ombuds Advisory Committee, that person will be temporarily recused from the Committee until such time as the case is closed or the annual term of the Committee is ended. The Committee will select a temporary member from whatever representative group the member in question has been designated from.
If any designate member of the Committee misses more than two (2) scheduled meetings in a row, her or his representative group shall be notified by the Chair of the Committee. Representative groups have the authority to replace their voting member in the event that she or he is not fulfilling the duties of a Committee member in an adequate manner. Members of the Committee are eligible for a renewed seat at the end of their terms, subject to the approval of or election by their representative groups.
The Vice-President Students and the Vice-President Academic and Provost may sit on the Committee as regular members but may not serve as chair of the Committee.
UBC Ombuds Website
To Learn more about the UBC Office of the Ombudsperson, visit their website.