About Us
AMS Council & Committees
Student Life Committee
Student Life Committee
Current Members (Winter Term 1 2024)
Chair: Cameron Taylor
- Christian Kyle (AMS President)
- Amy Liao (VP Admin)
- Charles Ding (Councillor)
- Abeer Amir (Councillor)
- Rowan Bapty (Councillor)
- Lizzy Ou (Councillor)
- Mayank Kataria (Student At Large)
- Kathleen Simpson (Senior Manager of Student Services)
- Nadeem Kajani (AMS Events Manager)
- Eric Lowe (Communications Manager)
Terms of Reference
The Student Life Committee shall be composed of:
- the President;
- the Vice-President Administration;
- four (4) non-Executive Council members;
- one (1) Student at Large;
- the Student Services Manager, who shall be non-voting;
- the Events Manager, who shall be non-voting;
- the Marketing and Communications Manager, who shall be non-voting;
- the staff member in the Society President’s office responsible for Constituency Relations and Projects, who shall be non-voting.
The Student Life Committee shall:
- provide recommendations on a regular basis for existing and potential avenues for student engagement;
- provide input on regular updates and projects brought forward by the Senior Manager of Student Services, the Events Manager, and the Marketing and Communications Manager;
- provide feedback on annual plans brought forward by the Senior Manager of Student Services, the Events Manager, and the Marketing and Communications Manager by August 31, with these plans being presented to the Committee in the form of a presentation;
- these plans shall include details on departmental plans for events, projects, strategies, and the department’s general approach on their annual goals.
- have the power to approve the annual goals of the Senior Manager of Student Services before they are sent for approval to the Executive as part of the process of approving Executive Goals;
- have the power to approve plans, facilitate presentations to Council, and provide feedback for AMS Firstweek, Welcome Back Barbecue, Block Party, and other major events;
- develop and coordinate Council-wide activities, including but not limited to orientations, socials and professional development;
- provide input on partnerships and the relationship with the University’s Athletics and Recreation department;
- work with the President to identify and select student groups to participate in cooperative engagement initiatives;
- propose annual goals for itself to the Agenda Committee and be responsible for completing those goals; and
- have such other duties as are outlined in the Bylaws or the Code or assigned by Council from time to time.
Meeting Times
The meeting times for Summer 2024 will be posted soon.
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
2021 Minutes (Full Year)
2020 Minutes (Full Year)
Graduating Class Subcommittee: Promote and direct grad class activities, as well as recommend one or more annual Grad Class Gift(s) that represent(s) the graduating class of that year. Terms of Reference