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AMS Special General Meeting

Vote* at the AMS Special General Meeting 🗳️

🗓️ June 4th @ 10AM (may delay up to 30mins to reach quorum of 623 students* in attendance – 1% of current enrolment)
📍 https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ycqq23PPTBWylo-VJ4V5xA

🗳️ Voters can come/go as they please, but this may interfere with reaching quorum. We encourage you to arrive on time and stay for the duration of the General Meeting. There is no opportunity to vote later on – it happens on the spot. (These are the rules outlined by the BC Societies Act, not AMS rules.)

Do you have questions about this meeting. Refer to our FAQ

*Note: Only students registered at UBC Vancouver (or its affiliate colleges) from September 2023 onwards AND are in Good Standing (check SSC) are eligible to vote. Students who wish to be counted for quorum and vote on the motion must provide their student number prior to entering the meeting.

Vote on the Motion:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT access to the AMS Food Bank be reinstated for associate members of the AMS.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT AMS Council must consult all active members through a referendum to reverse this motion.

Note: Associate members of the AMS include AMS staff and UBC Vancouver faculty and staff.