AMS Statement on Loujain Al-Hathloul’s Wrongful Detainment in Saudi Arabia

The AMS of UBC stands alongside the university community to actively and publicly ensure the immediate release of alumnae, Loujain Al-Hathloul, following arrest and detention in Saudi Arabia. We call upon community members to stand together with Ms. Al-Hathloul and her colleagues who were wrongfully detained in demonstration of their courageous advocacy for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Al-Hathloul embodies the characteristics of a UBC alumni; a bold, empowered change maker who strives to create a difference in the world around them. At this time, no clear legal charges have been presented and there is no information on the whereabouts of Ms. Al-Hathloul and her colleagues. The AMS finds the conditions of this arrest and detainment both alarming and inconsistent with the Saudi Arabian government’s commitment to a more tolerant and open society.

The AMS stands in solidarity with the administration, faculty, staff and students in their calls to ensure Ms. Al-Hathloul’s safety and immediate release.

On behalf of AMS Council,

Marium Hamid
AMS Student Society of UBC Vancouver

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