Announcement on Remote Invigilation Software and Proctorio

Announcement on Remote Invigilation Software and Proctorio

February 26, 2021

After extensive student advocacy by the AMS, student senators, and faculty societies, the Faculties of Arts, Science, Education, Dentistry, Forestry, and LFS have committed to discontinue the use of algorithmic proctoring software (also known as academic surveillance software) such as Proctorio.

The usage of these softwares have had profound negative impacts on students, particularly for students with accessibility needs and students of colour that have darker skin tones. The invasiveness of algorithmic proctoring software affects students’ academic performance. More information can be found here.

There is still more work to be done – The faculties of Applied Science, Medicine, Commerce, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Law continue to use algorithmic software, due to alleged “accreditation requirements.” We call upon these Faculties and corresponding accreditation bodies to examine the practices that reinforce structures of ableism, racism, and surveillance, including the usage of discriminatory, algorithmic remote proctoring software. If UBC is dedicated to anti-racism and inclusive practices, UBC faculties must be ready to challenge these accreditation bodies on their discriminatory practices. Academic surveillance software is not proven to reinforce academic integrity, and it has no place in the classroom. There is a nationwide outcry from students against academic surveillance software like Proctorio, ProctorU, ProctorTrack, and Respondus Monitor. It is an industry that has exploded in the midst of the transition to online learning, at the expense of student privacy and equity.

Beyond this announcement, a motion will be coming to the March Vancouver Senate to endorse the Principles for the Appropriate Usage of Remote Invigilation Software in order to severely limit the usage of algorithmic proctoring software. As described in the Update to the community on proctoring software, including Proctorio, we will be actively engaged in the procurement process for alternate solutions to Proctorio and continue advocating for alternate forms of assessment. We will foreground equity and ethical frameworks in the consideration of this process.

We stand by valued community members such as Ian Linkletter, who has been a champion for whistleblowing concerns about Proctorio and incorporating care into his work. For all of the students, staff, and faculty that see racial and ableist injustice that software like Proctorio reinforces, the AMS and your student senators, stand by you to continue this fight.

Georgia Yee
VP Academic and University Affairs
AMS of UBC Vancouver

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