Council Summary – April 15, 2024

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of April 15, 2024:

Resource Groups:  After much discussion, Council approved an amendment to Code to set out procedures for investigating Student Resource Groups and then passed a motion to investigate the Social Justice Centre.

Mathew Ho: The Speaker noted the departure of Mathew Ho, saying he had been one of the longest-serving and most active Council members.

BC3: Council approved a contract to enter into a coalition with the student societies at the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University for the purpose of provincial lobbying.

Non-voting members: Council defeated a proposed Code change that would have limited the powers of non-voting members, such as the Senate and Board of Governors representatives, by not allowing them on certain committees and into certain in camera sessions.  Supporters spoke of conflict of interest; opponents said the proposal indicated distrust of the non-voting members.

Executive transitions: A proposal to have Executives prepare provisional transition documents during the year was sent back to the HR Committee.

Code and Policy Changes:  Council approved changes to the Investment Policy emphasizing capital preservation and fiscal prudence.  Council also amended Code to make a minor wording change concerning fee changes for Constituencies.

New tenants: Council approved three new leases, including one for Fresh Slice Pizza.

Interim VP: Council voted to have AMS President Ben Du take over as Interim VP Administration from April 19 until the end of the month.

Food Security: In a submission to Council, VPAUA Kamil Kanji noted that the AMS had secured a $2.4 million commitment from the University for food security initiatives.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 2024 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum in the Nest at 6 pm. 

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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