Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of April 20, 2022:
Code changes: Council approved several Code changes: restricting outside commitments of Executives, requiring regular meetings of committees, allowing proxies for committees (though proxies for Council itself have been banned), modifying the powers of the Steering Committee, and restricting the use of digital voting.
Pharmacy fee: Council approved the $10 increase in the Pharmacy student fee.
Bye-bye Brewery Committee: Council abolished the Brewery Committee (aka the Fermentation Lab Committee).
Strategic Plan: Council heard an update about the Strategic Plan, which will include an updated Mission Statement, along with a new statement of AMS Values and a new AMS Vision. There will also be six themes on such topics as engagement, student services, advocacy, sustainability, equity, student-oriented businesses, and employee experience. A final draft for Council approval is projected to be ready by the end of May or early June.
Studentcare contract: Council approved an extension until 2024 of the contract with Studentcare (the administrator of the AMS/GSS health and dental plan). The new agreement includes an increase of $1 per student in the fee paid to Studentcare.
Reno: Council approved $17,000 from the SUB Management Fund to upgrade the pocket lounge on the Lower Level across from the Grand Noodle Emporium. There will be additional seating and power outlets. Also microwaves.
Tiers: Council approved a new tier structure for student government staff wages, expanding the number of tiers from three to five.
Reprimand: Council passed a motion reprimanding the VP Administration for poor performance.
Policy Numbering: Council was informed about a plan to renumber the policies and divide them by category.
Israel statement: In response to a question from Councillor Mathew Ho, VP Academic Eshana Bhangu said she found the University’s statement on divestment premature as the AMS has not yet issued its statement and letter.
Litter: Councillor Ho asked about the debris after Block Party. Managing Director Keith Hester said the problem was a lack of dumpsters.
Next meeting:
The next regular Council meeting will be April 27 at 6 pm in the Michael Kingsmill Forum, fourth floor of the Nest.
Sheldon Goldfarb Archivist & Clerk of Council
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