Council Summary- August 26, 2020

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of August 26, 2020 (held virtually on Zoom):


Equity Plan: Council heard a presentation from Adeline Huynh, the consultant for the plan, which is meant to create an Equity Framework for the AMS over the next few months, with a finalized plan done by February.


CampusBase: VP Administration Sylvester Mensah Jr. announced that CampusBase, the new platform for clubs and other campus groups, has launched.  There was a problem in the run-up to the launch that temporarily exposed some personal information, but it has been fixed, and he now expects the number of users to skyrocket.


U-Pass: VP External Kalith Nanayakkara said the U-Pass is being reinstated as of September even though classes will be online, because students need the U-Pass for more than going to class.  However, students remaining outside the Lower Mainland will be exempted, an arrangement the AMS pushed for.


Housing Contract: VP Academic & University Affairs Georgia Yee said the AMS has convinced the University to change a clause in the contract for student residences so that students will not go homeless if the University closes a residence.


Health & Dental Plan: VP Finance Lucia Liang announced that international students who remain out of the country will be able to opt out of the Health & Dental Plan.


Committee Appointments: Council approved a new policy on committee appointments, under which Council will fill its committees online outside of Council meetings.


Eastside Furniture: Council brought back a motion from May and approved an expenditure of $153,390 on new furniture for the east side of the Nest to replace the old red chairs with more study-friendly seating.



Next meeting: The next regular Council meeting will be held on September 16, 2020.  

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