Council Summary – December 1, 2021

Here are notes from the special AMS Council meeting of December 1, 2021:

Executive Goals: Council heard a mid-term update from the Executive on their goals, covering such items as:

Pandemic recovery and return to campus
Food insecurity
Lobbying the government
SkyTrain to UBC
Health Plan subsidy increases
Fee restructuring
The Campus Safety Audit

Hatch Art Gallery:  AMS President Cole Evans said postings are up for the Hatch. He added that he is thinking about how to increase the involvement of the UBC artistic community in the Hatch.

Equity-Deserving Groups: In response to a question from Science Councillor Mina Chiew, VP AUA Eshana Bhangu said she hoped UBC’s Black Well-Being program will transcend the Black community and be extended to other equity-deserving groups.

Fentanyl: In response to a question from Arts Councillor Mathew Ho, VP Bhangu said that to deal with substance problems, the AMS has been working with the Social Justice Centre to distribute a thousand fentanyl testing strips.

Food Bank: As part of his general report on the Services, Student Services Manager Mitchell Prost noted the huge increase in use of the AMS Food Bank. This is part of a general increase due to COVID, though Safewalk declined and is trying to recover by rebuilding awareness of the program.

In response to a question from Student Senator Julia Burnham, he added that the old Vice program on substance use is still functioning, just as part of Peer Support.

In response to a question from Medicine representative Emily Gubski, he said the Services have been boothing, postering, and presenting to raise awareness about their offerings.

Ombudsperson and Chief Electoral Officer: Council passed a motion directing the HR Committee to go ahead with hiring for these positions.

VP Administration: In response to a question about the VP Administration attending a Toronto professional development conference with the rest of the Executive while on leave, AMS President Cole Evans said that it seemed appropriate since it had already been paid for. He added that the conference had been relevant to the Executives, and the other Executives each explained what they got from the conference, including learning about leadership from the president of the Toronto Raptors.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6 pm in the AMS Nest (4th floor).

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council


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