Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of February 16, 2022 (held virtually):
Student Senator Website: Council was informed that the Student Senators have launched a website.
Bike Kitchen Fee Referendum: Council endorsed the upcoming referendum to raise the fee for the Bike Kitchen to $5 per student.
The Bike Kitchen, which provides bike repairs and other services, collected 1,000 signatures on a petition to initiate the referendum.
Council’s own Referendum Questions: Council approved three questions to go to referendum March 7-11:
Student Experience Survey: AMS President Cole Evans presented the results of the first ever SES. Major findings: Students like the Nest but want more study and seating space. They think the AMS is doing a good job overall but would like lower prices in the food outlets. Mostly students come to the Nest to eat and drink, also just to hang out and study.
Election Rule Changes: Council approved one change, to do away with pre-approval of campaign material, but declined to make a change that would have allowed the Elections Committee to put up posters including information about candidates. The Elections Committee will still be able to put up posters announcing that there will be elections and a referendum taking place March 7-11.
Budget Amendment: Council approved a revised budget to increase spending on the Food Bank and Clubs Days. Despite these increases, the projected deficit has decreased from $835,000 to $773,000.
Next meeting:
The next regular Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6 pm.
Sheldon Goldfarb
Archivist & Clerk of Council
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