Council Summary – January 26, 2022

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of January 26, 2022 (held virtually):


Hours and Money: Council approved additional hours for members of the Elections Committee and additional spending on consultation for the review of the AMS policies on sexual violence and respectful community.

New Furniture: Council approved an allocation of $62,000 for new furniture in the Gallery Lounge.

Wage Increase: Council approved an increase in wages for student government staff: beginning rates will now be $16, $17 or $18 per hour, depending on the wage tier of the position.

No more rubber-stamping: Council repealed the policy allowing Executives to use a rubber stamp to sign cheques, since Executives just sign by hand nowadays.

Election contract: Council discussed a contract with UBC for the running of the UBC student elections to Senate and the Board of Governors, but delayed approval until there can be clarification about who runs the individual Faculty Senate elections.

Referendum Plans: President Cole Evans said there have been discussions about raising the fee that funds the Sexual Assault Support Centre and also about increasing the Health & Dental fee to pay for new services.  There will also be minor bylaw amendments.

Grad Class Gifts: President Evans said the model of awarding these needs to be looked at, because many of them recently have been too ambitious and thus have not been completed yet.

Return to Campus: President Evans reported that UBC has said this will happen February 7.  VP Academic & University Affairs Eshana Bhangu said she has sent a letter to the administration advocating for multi-access, hybrid learning and has also been working on rapid testing and mask supplies.

Hatch Art Gallery: VP Administration Lauren Benson announced that there is a new exhibit in the art gallery.

Housing: Student Services Manager Mitchell Prost said a Housing Coordinator has been hired for the new Housing Service.

Committee Meeting Times: Council discussed the difficulties committees are having finding times when their members can all meet.


Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 6 pm.

Sheldon Goldfarb
Archivist & Clerk of Council

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