Elections: Council heard a report from the Chief Electoral Officer on the timeline for the next elections and asked him to consult further before going ahead with a plan for separating student senator elections from other elections in Constituencies.

Council also asked the Chief Electoral Officer to consult with the Constituencies before bringing in rules banning slates and posters in Constituency elections.


Renovations: VP Administration Cole Evans presented Council with information on three proposed renovation projects, one to redo the area in front of the Services corridor in the Nest, one to spruce up the thoroughfare between the Nest and the Life building, and one to create an Interactive Sustainability Centre in the Life building.


Advisory Board: President Chris Hakim announced that candidates have been found to fill the AB vacancies.


Clubhouse and Campus Vibe: The VP Administration announced that Campus Vibe is going out of business, so the Clubhouse system for AMS clubs will have to be replaced by a new system for managing clubs.


Consultation: VP Academic & University Affairs Julia Burnham said January will be a busy month, with three University policies up for consultation, including the policy on sexual violence.


Services Review:  Abdul Alnaar, the Senior Manager of Student Services, said significant work has been done on the Services Review, primarily in data collection.


Too Much Surplus?  Councillor Max Holmes asked if the AMS would be setting a lower target for its surpluses, saying that 30% was too high for a non-profit.  Managing Director Keith Hester said there is a deficit to pay off.


Budget Submission: Max Holmes asked when the AMS would be making its budget submission to the University, and was told it would be happening as soon as possible.  He said it should have been done earlier so that the AMS could have had a bigger involvement in setting UBC’s spending priorities, and he suggested that a process be put in place to ensure this going forward.  President Chris Hakim agreed, and said hopefully a process can be created.


Next meeting: The next regular Council meeting will be at 6 pm on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum on the fourth floor of the Nest.

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