Fall Reading Break: VP Academic & University Affairs Max Holmes informed Council of plans for consultation with the students about the possibility of introducing a Reading Break in Term 1, along with an extended holiday break to make sure classes don’t begin as early as they did this year in Term 2 (on January 2).

Council discussed at length the form the consultation should take and how long it should go on for.

There will be a survey, discussions with stakeholders, an email blast to the membership, and possibly a Town Hall.  There will be further discussion at the Advocacy Committee and at the next Council meeting. The final decision rests with UBC’s Senate and its Academic Policy Committee.

Federal Lobby Trip: VP External Cristina Ilnitchi reported on the trip she and President Marium Hamid took to Ottawa, in conjunction with other members of the informal UCRU group (a group of student societies partnering as the Undergraduates at Canadian Research-Intensive Universities).  The group met with 52 MP’s and their staffers, and made five recommendations concerning:

  • Replacing the tuition tax credit with upfront grants.
  • Increasing funding for research in new areas.
  • Supporting Indigenous students.
  • Supporting International students.
  • Retaining the fair dealing exemption under the Copyright Act.

Provincial Advocacy: The VP External also reported on advocacy with the provincial government, saying it was great to see the government moving forward on sexual violence policy.

U-Pass: The VP External also announced that agreement has been reached on a new five-year contract for the U-Pass transit discount program.

Polling Officers: Council created the new position of Polling Officer for the two poll clerks who will serve on the Elections Committee.  This involved amending Code and approving a job description.

Pit 50th Anniversary: President Marium Hamid announced that David Suzuki, the famous environmentalist who was instrumental in getting the AMS Pit Pub created more than 50 years ago, will attend a 50th anniversary ceremony on January 23.

Clubs Days: VP Administration Chris Hakim announced that Clubs Days will be taking place January 15-18.

Joint rolling: Student Services Manager Piers Fleming said there will be a joint rolling class where people can learn about the legalization of marijuana.  This will be something put on by the AMS service Vice after Reading Break.

Undergraduate research: VP Academic & University Affairs Max Holmes reported that UBC is launching a new program for undergraduate research.

CCTV: Managing Director Keith Hester reported that the new cameras have been installed.

Qualtrics: Council approved the use of UBC’s Qualtrics service as the software platform to collect petition signatures in the upcoming referendum period.

The Missing President: The Archivist reported that he had obtained an electronic copy of the missing photo of Sherwood Lett, the first AMS president, and is working with the Artona photo studio to get it printed and framed, so it can be restored to the Council chamber.

Next meeting: The next regular Council meeting will be at 6 pm on January 23, 2019 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum on the fourth floor of the Nest.

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