Council Summary – June 1, 2022

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of June 1, 2022:

Finance: Council approved a Code amendment to expand the use of the Clubs Benefit Fund and the Constituency Aid Fund, and also made amendments to update the Credit Card Policy.

More Finance: VP Finance Rita Jin and Managing Director Keith Hester talked about the upcoming budget. Councillor Max Holmes asked about the effect of the $1.2 million operating deficit.  The Managing Director said it is covered by our reserves.  He added that labour costs are up, as are other costs because of supply chain issues. He said labour shortages have kept Pie R Squared from reopening, but the aim is for it to reopen in January. The new Flavour Lab has just opened (and is getting good reviews). Overall he said we are not out of the pandemic financially; we are in recovery mode, and not back to pre-COVID levels yet.

Governance Review: AMS President Eshana Bhangu said that in accordance with one of her campaign promises she would like to see a governance review to improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability. To save money she suggested not hiring an outside firm, but instead doing the review internally. Councillor Max Holmes recommended doing the review within the year and not letting it carry over to a new Council and Executive.  He said there should also be regular updates to Council.

Academic Experience Survey: VP Academic & University Affairs Dana Turdy said there have been 1,090 responses, not as many as in previous years, perhaps because the survey went out late. The aim will be to do it earlier next year.  A report on the findings will come to Council.

Clubs: VP Admin Ben Du said the deadline for renewals was extended, avoiding 43 accidental deconstitutions. There are now 311 clubs, including a new Ukrainian Student Union.

BC Budget: VP External Erin Co said the government moved up the budget consultation period from September to June and has restricted the amount of input the AMS can give. She has expressed disappointment and has been looking for workarounds to get our asks presented.

Collective Bargaining: The Managing Director said there is going to be a preliminary meeting with the union to schedule negotiating sessions.

Council Video? The Speaker reported that AMS Communications has been in touch to ask about the possibility of doing a behind the scenes video of Council.

New Student Senator: Council voted to recommend that Kamil Kanji be named to fill the student Senator vacancy on the UBC Vancouver Senate.

New Student Life Chair: Council appointed Engineering rep Christian Kyle (“CK”) to chair the Student Life Committee.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be in late June. 

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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