Council Summary – June 21, 2023

Here are notes from the AMS Council meeting of June 21, 2023:

Ukrainian students: Representatives of the Ukrainian Student Union thanked the AMS for its support and asked for continued support while the war in Ukraine continues.

Financial Situation:  Justin Lieu, the new AMS Managing Director, informed Council that there continues to be a deficit, owing to rising costs, wage increases, and adding a new Equity position.  VP Finance Abhi Mishra said the AMS needs a financial strategic plan and a financial analyst to help reduce expenses and optimize revenues.  He also spoke of seeking partnerships and sponsorships.

Financial Questions: Councillors asked where costs might be cut, what sponsorships might be sought, and whether the new Mediterranean restaurant will produce revenue this year. Justin Lieu said all areas will be looked at for cuts, including labour expenses and wastage in the businesses; also there are plans to strategize a new approach for Events. As to the new restaurant, he said it is not clear when it will open, so there is no projection for it yet.

           VP Mishra said he will provide more detail about sponsorships when he presents his goals next week.

Budget Approved: After the presentation and questions, Council unanimously approved the 2023-24 budget.

Appointments:  VP Finance Abhi Mishra was appointed as the AMS representative on the board of the Student Legal Fund Society.  Commerce rep Thomas Dunsmore was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Governance Committee.

Health & Dental Plan: In response to a question from Law rep Aki Kamoshida, AMSPresident Esmé Decker said she and the VP Finance have been meeting with Studentcare and the health plan co-consultant to explore options to stabilize the plan.

Indigenous Constituency: In response to a question from Council Senator Mathew Ho, President Decker said talks are underway on getting the new Indigenous Constituency going.

Art Sale: VP Administration Ian Caguiat said two of the three art pieces Council authorized to be sold have been sold.

SUDS: VP External Tina Tong announced that the annual AMS Student Union Development Summit will take place August 18-21.

The 480 bus: VP Tong said the AMS has issued a statement of support for the campaign to bring back the 480 bus.

Safewalk vehicle: Kathleen Simpson, the Senior Manager of Student Services, said parts have finally come in for the damaged Safewalk vehicle, and repairs will begin soon.

Food Bank renovation: VP Admin Ian Caguiat announced that the Operations Committee, which he chairs, has approved $2500 for the first stage of a renovation of the Food Bank.

Presidents Council: President Decker said the Council of Constituency Presidents had its first meeting and the Presidents are using Messenger Chat to create a collaborative space for themselves.

Next meeting:

There will be a special Council meeting on Tuesday, June 27 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum in the Nest at 6 pm. 

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12.

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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