Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of June 22, 2022:
Israel motion: Student at large Adam Dobrer said the process of adopting the motion on Israel was unfair in excluding Jewish voices and in not announcing the committee meeting at which the motion was going to be discussed. It was recommended that notice of committee meetings be published on the website.
Job Descriptions: Council approved increased hours for two positions: Campaigns and Outreach Commissioner and Campaigns and Community Engagement Commissioner.
Governance Review: Council approved the terms of reference for an ad hoc Governance Review Committee and named Max Holmes to chair it.
Executive Goals: Council approved the Executive’s goals, which include:
Budget and Deficit: Council approved the budget but expressed concern over the deficit. A report on handling the deficit was promised for August.
Next meeting:
The next regular Council meeting will be in late July.
Sheldon Goldfarb
Archivist & Clerk of Council
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