Council Summary – June 27, 2023

Food Bank: Representatives of Sulong UBC, an organization of Filipino students at UBC, called on the AMS to reverse its decision to restrict usage of the AMS Food Bank to students, excluding UBC faculty and staff.

           Kathleen Simpson, the Senior Manager of Student Services, said the decision had been an incredibly difficult one, but the role of the AMS was to support students and with costs rising exponentially, continuing to serve faculty and staff would have meant a cost of $700,000 or a reduction in the amount of food given out overall.

Executive Goal Debates:  AMS President Esmé Decker and the rest of the AMS Executive presented their goals to Council.  There was debate over the President’s goals, which some Councillors did not think were ambitious enough, but they passed.

           There was also debate over the goals from Ian Caguiat, the VP Administration.  Councillors wanted more details on how they would be paid for, and then voted for them to be sent back to the Executive Committee.

           The rest of the goals passed.

Major Goals: The goals approved by Council include:

  1. Strengthening connections and community.
  2. Implementing the Strategic Plan.
  3. Reducing the deficit.
  4. Improving food security on campus.
  5. Opposing tuition increases.
  6. Securing University funding for mental health coverage.
  7. Lobbying for more government grants for students.
  8. Lobbying for housing affordability.
  9. Campaigning to restore the 480 bus route.
  10.  Lobbying for an amendment to the BC law on sexual violence.
  11.  Lobbying for a cap on tuition increases for international students.
  12.  Achieving financial stability in the Health and Dental Plan.
  13.  Creating a program of workshops on financial literacy.

Food Bank Renovation: Councillors heard from Senior Student Services Manager Kathleen Simpson and AMS Design Office Manager Michael Kingsmill about plans to expand the space for the Food Bank and put in a sink.

Goal History: The Archivist explained the history of Executive goals, including their temporary association with a bonus system administered by the old Oversight Committee.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum in the Nest at 6 pm. 

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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