Council Summary — March 1, 2023

Here are notes from the AMS Council meeting of March 1, 2023:

Deficit reduced: AMS President Eshana Bhangu told Council that the projected deficit has been reduced by $700,000 thanks to the performance of the businesses.  VP Finance Lawrence Liu added that he was pretty confident the AMS was returning to pre-pandemic levels.

Bike Kitchen question: Council approved an amendment to the Bike Kitchen referendum question to add some explanatory notes.

Chairs: Council approved an expenditure of $44,850 from the SUB Repairs & Replacement Fund to pay for new chairs in the Nest.

Strategic Plan: In response to a question from Councillor Katherine Feng, President Bhangu said it is her intention to have the plan finished by the end of her term.

New Restaurant: In response to a question from Councillor Cynara Onyemordi, Acting Managing Director Celia Chung said everything is still on track for an opening in April or May.

Vandalism: President Bhangu informed Council that one evening last month an individual went around the Nest smashing things, including a window, a Council composite, and a television.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 15 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum in the Nest at 6 pm. 

Sheldon Goldfarb

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