Council Summary- October 14, 2020

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of October 14, 2020 (held virtually on Zoom):


Climate Emergency: Council heard a presentation from various campus groups about creating a fund for projects that will support climate action and racial justice.


Proctorio: AMS VP Academic & University Affairs Georgia Yee made a presentation to Council calling for an end to the University’s use of the software platform Proctorio to invigilate exams, on the grounds that it is an invasive system creating issues around privacy, academic freedom, and equity.


Housing: Mitchell Prost, the new AMS Housing service coordinator, told Council of plans to launch the service, which will help students with off-campus housing.


AGM: AMS President Cole Evans said an email announcing the annual general meeting has gone out and the response has been beyond expectations.  He said we are on track for a quorate meeting.


Masks: President Evans also said the AMS is working to make free masks available in the Nest.


Flood: Council was told about the flood that has affected certain parts of the Nest, the result of a burst sprinkler head.  Construction of the new area for the Sexual Assault Support Centre has been set back six weeks, and other parts of the Nest suffered some damage as well.


Health & Dental: Managing Director Keith Hester said he and VP Finance Lucia Liang are working on how to handle the extra funds produced by the over-collection of the Health & Dental fee.


Businesses during COVID: Managing Director Keith Hester said AMS businesses were really suffering: down 90% compared to last year.  This was not unexpected, he said, but it still hurts.


Steering Committee: President Evans said the aim is to give this committee a new focus on strategies for Events and Services.


Code change: Council approved a change in the terms of reference of the Indigenous Committee.



Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be held on October 28, 2020.  

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