Council Summary – October 27, 2021

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of October 27, 2021 (held in person in the Nest):


Financial System: Managing Director Keith Hester told Council about a new financial system being introduced to, among other things, speed up reimbursements to clubs.  It will cost $150,000 to purchase the system.


Budget Submission:  VP Academic & University Affairs Eshana Bhangu and her staff told Council about the AMS submission to the UBC budgeting process.  The AMS is asking for more funding for graduate student support, a reallocation of funding for international student support, funding for recording lectures, and support for initiatives to reduce food insecurity.


Sustainability: AVP Sustainability Jason Pang told Council about working with Carbon Offsetters as part of the AMS Net Zero 2025 goal and also reported on various projects, such as the Soapstand, the AMS Waste Hub, and the Thingery.  He added that the Interactive Sustainability Centre has launched and will have its grand opening in January.


Societies Act: AMS President Cole Evans reported that amendments to the Societies Act are about to take effect which will ban proxies at Council meetings.


Election rules: Council discussed a ruling by the Election Appeals Committee to overturn a decision of the Chief Electoral Officer in a Constituency election.  The Chair of the Appeals Committee said there are issues in Code that the Governance Committee should look at.


Agenda order: Council approved a change to the standard Council agenda to move the Discussion Period to an earlier part of the meeting.  Also to extend the time for presentations.



Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be held in person in the AMS Nest (4th floor) on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 6 pm.

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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