Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of October 28, 2020 (held virtually on Zoom):


Sustainability Update: Claire Ewing, the AMS Sustainability Projects Coordinator, told Council about plans to achieve net zero carbon emissions for 2025; this will involve hiring an external consultant.  She also spoke of plans to bring back and expand the Mug Share program, to introduce a waste hub and supply chain audits, and to open the Interactive Sustainability Centre.


Discipline: Sebastian Cooper, chair of the Governance Committee, led a consultation session on plans to introduce a Discipline Committee and develop other options besides censure when Council feels something is needed to deal with the conduct of Council members.  Councillors questioned whether the Ombudsperson or the Speaker of Council should chair such a committee.  Questions were also raised about the name of the committee and its membership.


AGM: AMS President Cole Evans said there has been high advance registration for the annual general meeting and he is expecting a turnout well above quorum.


Service Film: Student Services Manager Ian Stone said filming is being done for two Services (Tutoring and Peer Support) as a form of outreach in this time of distancing.



Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting will be held on November 12, 2020.

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