Audit: Managing Director Keith Hester told Council about the latest AMS audit:
Statement from Student at Large: Rodney Little Mustache said he is getting a protest started about First Nations children being denied their human rights.
Espresso machines: Council approved $53,000 to buy two new espresso machines for Blue Chip Cafe to replace two that have broken.
The Archivist later noted that this is Blue Chip’s 30th anniversary and that its Java Nut Cookie was once featured on the PBS show KCTS Chefs.
Appointments: Council filled vacancies on several committees and appointed Kia Teimouri as Chair of the Fermentation Lab Committee.
AGM: AMS President Chris Hakim said he is trying to build excitement for the upcoming annual general meeting.
New Clubs: VP Admin Cole Evans said there are 37 new clubs this year.
New SUB Project: The VP Admin also declared that with the wrapping up of the Norm Theatre renovations, the New SUB Project is now completed.
Controversial Speakers: In response to a question from Science rep Michelle Marcus, the VP Academic & University Affairs (Julia Burnham) said the AMS has issued a statement on the two speakers on campus who have been accused of promoting white supremacy (statement), adding that the AMS is advocating to be on the University committees that are being created to look into these issues.
Election: VP External Cristina Ilnitchi reported that there was great turnout for the federal election debate viewing party in the Nest. Managing Director Keith Hester said he hoped to do similar events to draw people into the building.
Selling Art: AMS President Chris Hakim said there are plans to sell two artworks owned by the AMS: Abandoned Village by E.J. Hughes and Northern Image by Lawren Harris.
New Arts Senator: Council appointed Charlotte Gilby as the new Student Senator for the Faculty of Arts.
Relations with the Fraternities: In the wake of recent reports of alleged events at the fraternities, Council passed a motion directing the VP Administration to look into the relationship between the AMS and the fraternities.
Advisory Board: Council discussed problems filling the vacancy on the board.
Next meeting: The next regular Council meeting will be at 6 pm on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum on the fourth floor of the Nest.
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