Appointments!  It was the annual appointments meeting to fill committees for the School Year.  Council filled the Standing Committees with Councillors and students at large, and named the following chairs:

Advocacy Committee: Tyra Phillips from Engineering (a new appointment)

Governance Committee: Katherine Westerlund from Engineering (who continues on from the summer)

HR Committee: Riley Ty from Science (who also is continuing on from the summer)

Student Life Committee: Cole Evans, the VP Administration


Cole is also automatically the chair of the Operations Committee and the New SUB Committee.

VP Finance Lucia Liang chairs the Finance Committee.

President Chris Hakim chairs the Steering Committee.


New member! A representative from the School of Journalism showed up for the first time in years.


Federal Election: Student at Large Rodney Little Mustache called on Council to make genocide an issue in the upcoming election.

VP External Cristina Ilnitchi and AVP Conor Doherty told Council about the UBC Votes 2019 campaign, which is aiming to get every eligible student to vote.

Archivist Sheldon Goldfarb quizzed Councillors on which two past prime ministers started out as AMS Council members (Kim Campbell and John Turner) and also noted that the current prime minister is the grandson of an AMS Council member.


Communications: Eric Lowe, the AMS Marketing & Communications Manager, told Council about the need for brand consistency, the reintroduction of an agenda geared especially towards first-year students, and above all a need to become less organization-centric and instead be more student-centric, giving the students, our members, more of a voice.


Welcome Back Barbecue: Council was told that the Welcome Back Barbecue had sold out.


Union agreement: Council approved the collective agreement with the union representing the workers in the Sexual Assault Support Centre.  AMS President Chris Hakim said both sides are very happy with the agreement.


Vacancies: Riley Ty told Council that the HR Committee is looking for a replacement for the Ombudsperson, who recently resigned, and also for someone to fill the vacancy on the Advisory Board.


AMS Election Rules: Council passed a Code change to make the amount of reimbursement for candidates in AMS elections equal to the spending limit so that no one can benefit by spending more than other candidates.  But Council rejected a proposal to prevent clubs from using their resources on behalf of candidates.


Student Life Committee: Council modified the terms of reference for the Student Life Committee, adding the Events Manager and the Communications Manager to its composition and clarifying its mandate.


Next meeting: The next regular Council meeting will be at 6 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum on the fourth floor of the Nest.

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