Council Summary – September 27, 2023

Here are notes from the regular AMS Council meeting of September 27, 2023:

Short and Sweet: With a very light agenda and some Executives away or under the weather, Council moved online for a quick, one-hour Zoom meeting, filling a vacancy on the EPA Committee and listening to a presentation from the Ubyssey about how the newspaper works.  Council also welcomed a new Education Councillor, Lisa Ni.  Councillor Mathew Ho asked the Ubyssey if they are going to start covering elections in the undergraduate societies, but editor Annabella McElroy said the paper doesn’t have the resources to do that.

Next meeting:

The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 11 in the Michael Kingsmill Forum in the Nest at 6 pm. 

Sheldon Goldfarb

Archivist & Clerk of Council

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