Statement on #Save12HKYouths

Statement on #Save12HKYouths

The Alma Mater Society stands in solidarity with student activists in Hong Kong and condemns the deterioration of Hong Kong’s civil liberties and civil rights, including the suppression of activists as a result of the National Security Law imposed on Hong Kong. On August 23, 2020, the Chinese coast guard detained Hong Kong nationals fleeing to Taiwan, seeking asylum from the National Security Law.

The asylum-seekers have been detained without charge, with basic rights deprived – they have been denied lawyers, advocates, prescribed medication, and contact with family members. Chinese human rights lawyers, hired to represent the twelve, have been harassed to drop the case, meaning the detainees can only seek representation by pre-approved lawyers from a government-provided list.

The National Security Laws imposed on Hong Kong, as well as the police brutality against pro-democracy protesters signals an authoritarian trend to shut down peaceful protest. Around the world, student organizers and community members are joining together, to denounce authoritarianism. The AMS has always stood up for upholding democratic values and human rights as an organization, and stands behind those fighting for freedom, human rights, and democracy.

We call on the Canadian Government to play a larger role on the international stage in demanding that the asylum seekers be released immediately to Hong Kong. We also call the Canadian Government to ensure that if a legal trial is needed, that they are tried in Hong Kong, given proper legal representation, and granted appropriate medical attention.

We stand in solidarity with UBC students, of Hong Kong, Chinese, Uyghur, and Hui heritage and continue to advocate for human rights around the world. We encourage AMS members to continue to learn about the ongoing situation in Hong Kong, raise awareness and advocate for the implementation and protection of human rights everywhere.

The Alma Mater Society of UBC Vancouver

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