Hey UBC! Did you know there’s a federal election happening RIGHT NOW?

Well, now you do.

This month, Canadians across the country will head to the polls to participate in the federal election and it’s more important than ever that students talk about this election and actually show up to vote.

“But all I hear is that young people don’t vote so what’s the point?” you ask.

Actually, YOU have the power to directly impact the outcome of the election. In 2015, we saw youth voter turnout increase from 39% to 57%! Students are more engaged than ever and voting in greater numbers – but we need to aim higher. This year, our vote will have a critical effect on the election’s outcome, with young Canadians aged 18 to 38 representing the single largest voting bloc in the county! If students don’t come out to vote, politicians will continue to push aside issues important to young people because they’re not the ones electing them. Not anymore.

So go out and VOTE! Not sure how to do it, have a ton of questions about who you should vote for, is civic engagement your thing and you want to find out how to get involved? The AMS has your back. This election cycle, the AMS is rolling out a campus-wide, non-partisan, and issues-based campaign, UBC Votes 2019. So check out this site for more information about everything related to the federal election.

If you vote, encourage your friends to vote, and we talk about the issues that young people face – we have power. So let’s help get you to the polls!


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