Funds, Grants & Subsidies

Funds, Grants & Subsidies

Funds, Grants & Subsidies

The AMS provides funds to assist students, clubs, and constituencies with innovative projects. All AMS fund applications are available below. Please note, in order for the applicant to receive the fund if approved, the applicant will have to provide us with:

  • A detailed final report that outlines the impacts of your project, as well as a final budget
  • Copies of receipts, invoices etc, that total to at least double the amount of funding you were approved for.

AMS/GSS Premium Assistance Fund

Partial or full reimbursement of the Health & Dental Plan fee is available on a needs basis from the AMS and GSS through the AMS/GSS Health Plan Premium Assistance Fund. Refer to the Subsidies page for more information.

Final Report Submission

Certain AMS Funds require a Final Report to be submitted. If you have been instructed to submit a Final Report, please click here.