Clubs Benefit Fund


  • I am submitting on behalf of a recognized (Constituted) AMS club.
  • The club has submitted a budget and executive list for 2023-2024, which has been approved
  • The club has not defaulted on a loan within the past 2 years.
  • This project is not an established annual event or related to the day-to-day operations of the Club (not recurring)
I have read the above eligibility clause.(Required)
We reserve the right to decline applications that don’t fulfill the aforementioned eligibility.
This project is not an established annual event or related to the day-to-day operations of the Club (not recurring)(Required)

Applicant Information


Project Outline

If you selected “Other” above, describe here
E.g. Academic panels, networking, fundraiser, social event
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Include first & last names, and student number. You don’t need to include the name of every member in your club, just the Executive Team
Describe your project and what the funds will be used for. Be sure to explicitly relate anticipated costs/expenses listed in your preliminary budget to your project’s description and explain why each expense is relevant to your operations.

Financial Information

Current maximum for Clubs Benefit Fund is $5,000.00.
Upload a detailed outline of all anticipated expenses and revenues for your project. Please upload the budget of your project in .pdf format including amount requested and all expenses and revenues.

Please use the AMS approved template.
Accepted file types: xlsx, Max. file size: 3 MB.
6 digit number found at the start of all account club codes. E.g. 1234-00
Account must be a Revenue account (a “50000” account) Ex. xxxx-yy-50070. By default we deposit into the 50060 Grants Account.


As part of receiving funding from the Clubs Benefit Fund, AMS Clubs must have a plan to recognise the AMS for funding their initiative. Methods of Recognition include:

Digital Recognition

  • Social Media Posts
    • Pre-project promotional post featuring recognition of AMS funding
    • Post-project thank you post featuring recognition of AMS funding
    • Story post recognizing featuring recognition of AMS funding
    • Short form video content featuring recognition of AMS funding
  • Websites and Applications
    • Credits section featuring recognition of AMS funding
  • Podcasts & Videos
    • Audio shout out featuring recognition of AMS funding
    • Video shout out featuring recognition of AMS funding

In Person Recognition

  • Verbal recognition
    • Shout out during execution of project recognizing AMS funding
  • Presentations
    • Slide featuring recognition of AMS funding
  • Signage
    • Stand up banner featuring the AMS logo
    • Poster featuring the AMS logo
  • Apparel
    • Team jerseys featuring the AMS logo
    • Promotional T Shirts featuring recognition of AMS funding
    • Miscellaneous merchandise featuring recognition of AMS funding
  • Constructed Products
    • Branding of AMS logo on end product
  • Capital Repairs
    • Sign or placard featuring recognition of AMS funding

Please use the most up to date AMS Logos, found here.
For example, using our logo on posters, social media recognition, etc.
If you have multiple files, please zip them before uploading.
Max. file size: 6 MB.
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 6 MB.
    I understand the AMS may use your event/project to promote both the club/initiative and fund.(Required)
    I will take and submit photos of the event/project for promotional material.(Required)

    Additional Support

    Include a letter of support from Dean, Director, Department Head, or Representative from other student organizations
    Max. file size: 3 MB.
    If your application is approved, the Finance Commission requires a one page follow-up report, a final budget, and ALL receipts to be submitted before the money can be transferred into the Club’s Account. Photocopies of receipts are also acceptable. The follow-up report should highlight the project’s successes and how it benefitted the applicants. Please specify which account you would like the award to be deposited to. Note that the account must be a revenue account (a “50000” account). Please submit all of the above information no later than 3 weeks after the event.
    This date can be NO LATER than 3 weeks after the end date of the project as listed above.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY