Childcare Bursary Application Form

The Child Care Bursary Fund was established via referendum in March 2011 to increase the principal amount in the Evelyn Lett Child Care Bursary Endowment Fund, and to provide subsidies to Active Members of the AMS for childcare expenses. The Alma Mater Society Childcare Bursary offers subsidies to those members who are experiencing genuine financial hardship.

All subsidy applicants must provide at least two supporting documents that demonstrate their financial needs relating to childcare. Applicants must also provide their dependent’s birth certificate. Once the final date for applications passes, the AMS Finance Department will review all applications each term and will rank each one according to the greatest financial need. As funding for these subsidies is limited, your ability to demonstrate financial hardship does not guarantee a subsidy. Please note that students must be active AMS members to be eligible for the Child Care Bursary.

The AMS Childcare Bursary subsidy may be offered to UBC students who meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant is a current member of the AMS of UBC Vancouver.
  • Each family is only required to submit 1 application. Financial assistance granted will take into consideration the number of child dependents.