Exam Study Tips from AMS Tutors

by Gahan Diwan and Iris Guo, AMS Tutors

Get organized ahead of time (Gahan)

Before exams begin, create and stick to a study schedule by answering the following questions:

  • Which exams do you have and when?
  • What content do you need to focus on?
  • What is the weight of each exam?

Do practice exams (Gahan)

If you’re short on time, do practice exams to quickly learn your strengths and weaknesses.

Try active learning. (Gahan)

I like making mindmaps to connect different concepts together.

Use a blank piece of paper. (Iris)

If you have to memorize something, try having a blank piece of paper next to you so you can write or draw to help with memorization.

Relate concepts to everyday life. (Iris)

For example: if you’re learning about disease processes, ask yourself: “Do I have any friends or family with this disease?” This should help you with memorization since it’s more relatable.

Good luck with your exams, UBC!

AMS Tutoring helps UBC students with 100- and 200-level courses through free group or low-cost private appointment tutoring. They also offer free group or low-cost private appointment tutoring for MCAT, LSAT, and GRE post-graduate exams. Learn more here!

Gahan Diwan (He/Him), Biology with Minor in Microbiology and Immunology

What motivated you to be a tutor? I have always been passionate about tutoring and have pursued it as a goal since I was a child. Helping my fellow students and strengthening my own understanding of concepts has been a rewarding experience for me.

What do you like to do in your free time? Working out, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Student clubs, and going out with my friends.

Iris Guo (she/her/hers), Medicine

What motivated you to be a tutor? I have always been passionate about education, and I hope to use my experiences to support students on their MCAT.

What do you like to do in your free time? I enjoy skating, rollerblading, skiing, and going on walks. I also like to stay indoors and read, listen to music, watch reality tv, and go to cute cafes/dessert places!

This Grad Season UBC felicitated it’s ‘slowest’ student: Arthur Ross.

By Tanushi Bhatnagar

Photo credit: UBC

It was 1969 when Arthur Ross first came to UBC to pursue an undergraduate degree. That same year, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon and the University had just completed 60 years of being. Five decades later, at 71, Mr. Ross became the slowest grad to be awarded his bachelor’s degree at UBC and possibly, the world on Thursday, May 25.

“UBC’s slowest student finally graduates. I just love that idea. It has been a fun ride,” Mr. Ross jokingly said.

Mr. Ross has had quite an academic and professional journey. Starting at UBC in 1969, Mr. Ross’ discontinued his degree just after 2 years of taking general arts courses to pursue theatre when he was 19. Learning that despite his love for theatre, the life of an actor does not appeal him, he decided to go to law school in Toronto and onto a fulfilling law career.

Retiring after 35 years as a practicing lawyer, Mr. Ross decided to come back to his first alma mater to finish what he started. “It would have been a waste of me if I had not tried to carry on with learning. I am so grateful for the university for giving me the opportunity to continue to grow intellectually,” he said.

His interest in English and acting during his two years at UBC led him to partake in several productions at the Frederick Wood Theatre where he met his wife.

Some might even say that it was theatre that brought him back to UBC. Watching the 1909 German opera Elektra by Richard Strauss during a trip to Chicago, he got interested in European history and the mass mentality involved in the execution of the World Wars. Around the time of his retiring, UBC offered a course in European history in the first half of the 20th century and thus, Mr. Ross re-joined the university in January 2017. “At that point, I just got this question in my mind, and I would like to pursue it… The university was quite welcoming to someone of my vintage.”

Mr. Ross recollects that today the University is much bigger and has more people than in the 1970s. “It seems bigger [now], but it seemed big then… I was used to big,” he said. Mr. Ross recalls that the university was not exponentially different from what it is today. One building that Mr. Ross particularly remembers is the Buchanan Building where he took many of his courses both in the 1970s and now – which he says is much better equipped with learning media and assistance after the pandemic.

He also acknowledges that among the student body today there is an increased awareness about the cost of going to university. With that awareness, comes a stress that wasn’t much like the stress in the 70’s. “The stress seems to be a different force than students in the 1970s had to deal with,” he said.

He appreciates that there is a shared motivation among the student body to earn money as a student in order to pay tuition fees and living expenses but also credits the stress in today’s generation to these worries. “I may just have been blind to the stress of the students in the 1970s. I was in the fortunate position where I was not stressed.”

On the learning side of his academic career, Mr. Ross took it one course at a time. Starting in January 2017, he took one course in the fall and winter (except during the pandemic) till December 2022. “There’s not a course that I took that did not change me,” he said.

If there is one place on the campus that Mr. Ross can call his favourite, it is the Martha Piper fountain – and it’s not only because of the fountain itself. “If you look to the north, from that fountain, you see the Canadian flag [and] the rose garden with the mountains in the background, and part of English Bay. It is a spectacular view. But if you turn around from the same point and look South on the wall, you look at what I think is the most important piece of sculpture in the province of British Columbia, the Reconciliation Totem Pole,” he said.

The Reconciliation Totem Pole was carved by the Haida master carver, 7idansuu (Edenshaw) James Hart over two years and was installed at UBC in 2017 representing the history of Indigenous people in Canada before, during, and after the Indian residential school era.

Recalling the only one regret during his academic career, Mr. Ross admits that it has to do with his graduation ceremony on Thursday and UBC Chancellor Steven Point. “I thought – This is a wonderful British Columbian sitting in the Chancellor’s chair. In the five seconds I have before I went up on the stage, I’d like to nod in his direction and acknowledge that he is a significant person – When it came to my turn, I completely forgot,” he laughed.

Mr. Ross, who was present at the convocation of the class of 1985 when both his wife and Mr. Point were classmates and received their law degrees.

For now, Mr. Ross does not have any plans to return to the university or work but has an inspiring message for the students of UBC: “There will be times when you will think ‘Is this worth it? Do I really want to do this?’ I think it’s worth it. It is just worth it, to pursue it.”

9 Finals Tips For Exam Season at UBC

Compiled by Karen Chen

It is that time of the year again. Stress levels are rising sky-high in UBC libraries, and there seems to be an atmosphere of doom and gloom all around. No need to despair! Our AMS executives have put together a finals advice package, with everything related to organization, study tips, and self-care guides. We wish you the best of luck this finals season!

Make a concrete study plan, with days indicating what chapters or modules you are planning to cover every day. Have the self-discipline to stick to it, whether that is by finding a study buddy or switching up your study place. Do not plan anything too review-heavy for the last day before the exam, let your brain have adequate rest! Once you have a solid system in place, success will follow : )

Karen Chen, 2022-23 AMS Work Learn Social Media Coordinator

I love to have a vision board (usually Notion) to write down line by line what I have to revise & complete for each subject. I have a separate section called my ‘To-Do List’ where I move these lines to indicate my workload for the day. Obviously, you cannot always plan absolutely everything, but make sure to complete the top 3 things on that list and you’re good to go.

Stephanie Liu, 2022-23 AMS Associate Vice-President, Funds

Communicating with my professors or TAs bout any course-related stress often helped me to succeed during the final project season. Either asking questions or advice on how to best complete specific assignments. Usually, our instructors are very understanding and accommodating, and ready to help us. Also, my friends and classmates really inspire me to study more as everyone is so hardworking. Creating study groups can turn from a nerve-wracking to super chill quality time.

Anna Shubina, 2022-23 AMS Work Learn Social Media Coordinator

The hardest part is getting started! I like to make a study plan so it is easier to stick to, then instead of finishing a chapter/module, I begin a bit of the next one so that when I pick up again it is more incentivizing to keep going! Also cutting down on other obligations (social gatherings, going out, etc.) during the period of studying can help motivate you to stay focused!

Erin Co, 2022-23 AMS Vice President, External Affairs

Do not be afraid to take time for yourself, it is important to take breaks between your studying, even when you feel the need to keep going! Taking the time to recharge can reset your brain, which will help with your productivity levels. Find what works best for you to decompress, whether it is going for a walk, sharing a meal with a friend, or catching up on some Netflix.

Viola Chao, 2022-23 AMS Equity & Inclusion Lead

When creating your study plans, be realistic in setting your goals. Try to not measure productivity by the amount of work you completed, but rather if you have done what you can with the energy you have available. You know yourself best to determine when to push or take a break! Also, remember that the stress is temporary. Lastly, whether in finals season or not, bite the bullet and start with your most difficult task of the day.

Anisha Sandhu, 2023 Interim AMS Vice-President, Academic & University Affairs

Start small and segment what you need to study into smaller chunks so it feels less intimidating. Make sure to give yourself time to take breaks and do what you enjoy as well so you do not burn out! Also, do not be afraid to ask your professor and TA for help when you are unsure of something, they are here to support your learning! Finally, always remember to take care of yourself.

Naton Ting, 2022-23 AMS Clubs Administrator

I cannot stress the importance of SNACKS (I have been eating a lot of oranges + eggs) and doing small things to improve your mood! It is easy to get bogged down by hours of studying so take care of yourself, and make sure you are fueling yourself! Also on the topic of snacks, I would recommend leaving your house at least once a day for at least 15 minutes even if it is just to refill your snacks at Walmart. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Stay positive and good luck!

Priscilla Ng, 2022-23 AMS Associate Vice-President, External Affairs

We tend to procrastinate because we are searching for that feeling of instant gratification that a long-term study plan does not offer until after the work is done. A remedy for this is making your study process more enjoyable. For myself, I spend a lot of time creating a study environment that I love being in. I like to have a lot of trinkets on my desk and usually listen to music and study with friends. Multi-tasking tends to be a less conventional study tip, but adding extra stimuli to my study process has helped me become more creative and productive. Instead of being hard on yourself for procrastinating or not sticking to your plan, use that time to think about adjustments you could make to the actual process of studying itself.

Tomila Sahbaei, 2022-23 AMS Associate Vice-President, Academic Affairs
Where to celebrate Lunar New Year in Vancouver

by Alicia Wang and Cassandra Zhang

Lunar New Year is coming up and we are all excited for it! If you don’t have ideas on where to go to celebrate, below is a list that may help you by providing some available options! Happy Lunar New Year!

January 18: Lunar New Year at Vancouver Public Library

The celebration includes a traditional tea ceremony, Chinese music, and a special visit from a Fortune Teller and Feng Shui Master.  

Cost: Free

Location: Vancouver Public Library Central Branch – Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level – 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver

Date and Time: 6:00PM-8:30PM on January 18

Link: https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/events/6393cb33a111382f008e8214

January 21-22: Lunar New Year at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

Enjoy the live performances by City Opera, lion dances, tea ceremonies, and I-Ching readings, and more. 

Cost: various prices, see link below

Location: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden — 578 Carrall Street, Vancouver

Date and Time: 11:00AM-6:00PM on January 21 and 22

Link:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lunar-new-year-at-dr-sun-yat-sen-classical-chinese-garden-tickets-499112989387

January 22: Vancouver Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Fair

The 2.5-hour parade will feature dancing, marching bands, martial arts performances, and lion dances. Afterwards, there will also be a fair (2:00PM-4:00PM).

Cost: free

Location: Parade starts at Millennium Gate (intersection of Pender Street and Taylor Street; click here for parade map). Fair is at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

Date and Time: January 22, 11AM (parade start), 2:00PM-4:00PM (fair)

January 21 – February 20: Borrow Lunar New Year books from the UBC Education Library

Cost: Free

Location: UBC Education Library

Date: January 21 – February 20

January 25: Lion Dance at the Nest

The AMS Kung-Fu club is helping the AMS to celebrate the Lunar New Year by performing a Lion Dance at the Nest! The lion will dance around the shops in the Nest — feel free to watch!

Cost: Free

Location: The lower level and first floor of Nest

Time: January 25th, 12:30PM—1:30PM

Link: https://www.ams.ubc.ca/event/lunar-new-year-lion-dance/ 






地点:UBC Education Library


UBC Nest新年舞狮









地点:Vancouver Public Library Central Branch – Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level – 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver



游客可以欣赏到City Opera的现场表演、舞狮、茶艺表演、易经诵读等。


地点:Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden — 578 Carrall Street, Vancouver








14 Fun Things to Do Around UBC and Vancouver During the Holiday Season

by Karen Chen; Chinese translation by Alicia Wang

Are you going to be on campus or in Vancouver around the holidays? Still trying to figure out what to do? No worries, we have a list compiled for you to keep your days busy and fulfilling – while not breaking the bank!  

1. Ice skating

Ice skating is a classic winter activity, and there are many options around the Vancouver area for you!

2. Go shopping for Christmas sales around Metro Vancouver

Never a bad idea to get started early on Christmas gifts! Some major malls are:

  • Pacific Centre (downtown Vancouver)
  • Metrotown (Burnaby)
  • Guildford Town Centre (Surrey)
  • Tsawwassen Mills (Tsawwassen)
  • Richmond Centre (Richmond)

3. Go for a swim at the UBC Aquatic Center, then warm up in the hot tub or sauna! This is free for UBC students – check their drop-in schedule to book your spot!

4. Vancouver Christmas Market

A traditional Christmas market! Check out the merry-go-round, live performances and singers, photo backdrops, and various cultural foods! This attraction is open from November 12th until December 24th, and have sales and discounts on their ticket prices on certain days of the week 

5. Stanley Park Bright Nights

This pretty attraction includes attractions such as the antique fire truck, giant red reindeer, and sparkling tunnel of lights in the plaza. They also have food vendors and live performances. It will be on display from December 1st until January 1st and is entry by donation – with all the proceeds going to BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund. Open from 4-10PM daily!

6. VanDusen Festival of Lights

VanDusen Festival of Lights features a stunning display of lights where you can go with friends, family, or any loved ones to enjoy the magical moments of winter! Enjoy Dancing Lights, the Rose Garden, tasty treats, and the gorgeous light shows all around!

Open from November 25th until December 24th, 4-10PM daily! Tickets can be found on their website.

7. PNE Winter Fair

PNE Winter Fair features concerts, skating, and many yummy food vendors combined with shopping experiences and light displays! Get all your wonderful winter experiences in one place.

It will be happening December 14-23, 4:30-10:30PM daily, and ticket prices can be found on their website. Check out their group rates if you are in a group of 10 or more!

8. Langley Christmas Glow

Langley Christmas Glow features a magical Christmas experience with a walk-through of giant ornaments, cascading lights, and lovely festive trees! There is also a playground open to everyone where you can meet various Christmas characters, explore food trucks, visit Santa, and ride on the Glow Comotive!

Open from November 23rd until December 31st, various times depending on weekdays and weekends. Tickets can be purchased through their websites, and ticket prices vary.

9. Lights at Lafarge

Lights at Lafarge is an attraction in Coquitlam featuring live performances, food vendors, and family crafts scattered around the beautifully decorated lake!

This attraction is on from November 26th to the end of January from 5-8PM daily, and their specific event schedule can be found on their website. This event is free!

10. Capilano Canyon Lights

Capilano Canyon Lights is a winter wonderland where you can explore nature from beautifully bedazzled bridges. Located in Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, come to breathe in the fresh air while enjoying the many photo opportunities including the light tunnel, and seven suspended bridges!

This attraction is open from November 19th to January 22nd, 11AM-9pm every day (closed December 25th)! Ticket prices vary and can be found on their website.

11. Winter in Steveston Village

Winter in Steveston Village transforms the iconic shopping center into a winter wonderland! Come browse through the variety of stores while enjoying the lights and holiday music. This attraction in Richmond will be decorated from December 1-31.

12. Lights of Hope At St. Paul’s Hospital

Lights of Hope At St. Paul’s Hospital is an annual fundraising campaign where you can enjoy the pretty light displays and the beloved holiday tradition. Launch day this year was November 17th, and the lights will stay on until the beginning of January.

These lights are a free attraction, but you can donate to Lights of Hope, Sponsor a Star, or get a Hope at Home Star to help out the hospital and long-term care programs. Check out their website for full details.

13. Things to do at home

Last but not least, you can:

  • Bake some cookies
  • Put on a Christmas movie
  • Enjoy some hot chocolate

Enjoy some festive times at home with loved ones! Tis the season, after all.

14. Notable mentions of other events around Vancouver and UBC

  • The AMS UBC and AMS Nest account often features events and campaigns held by us as well as by other clubs and student organizations around campus! Check out our stories for the latest updates.
  • The UBC Student Life account, true to its name, publishes relatable student content as well as features various events and socials happening around campus! You can follow them and check out their stories to stay updated with the latest events happening that week on campus.
  • If you are into the party scene, check out AMS Events for holiday parties as well as other banger events throughout the whole year!


We hope this post gave you some more ideas of what to do around UBC and the greater Vancouver area this winter season – happy holidays! 



1. 溜冰是


  • 如果你在校园里住,Doug Mitchell体育馆提供免费滑冰,需要考虑的花销只有滑冰鞋和头盔的租金,十分划算! 
    • Tip: 你可以在他们的日程表上看到公共滑冰的时间并提前预约。夜间滑冰真的很不错,也是我个人最喜欢的爱好之一!
  • 在市中心著名的Robson Square
  • North Vancouver的The Shipyards(12月初开放)也有免费的滑冰活动。

2. Metro Vancouver进行圣诞购物


  • 市中心的Pacific Centre
  • Metrotown (Burnaby)
  • Guildford Town Centre (Surrey)
  • Tsawwassen Mills (Tsawwassen)
  • 和Richmond Centre

3. UBCAquatic Center游泳然后在热水池或桑拿房里暖和暖和!这些对于UBC的学生是免费的,记得查看他们的活动时间表来预定你的位置!

4. 温哥华圣诞市场Vancouver Christmas Market


5. 斯坦利公园Bright Nights


景点将在12月1日至1月1日期间展出,捐款即可进入观展–所有收入都将用于BC省专业消防员的烧伤基金。开放时间为每天下午4:00 – 10:00!  

6. VanDusen灯光节的特色

VanDusen灯光节的特色是令人惊叹的灯光效果,你可以和朋友、家人或任何亲人一起去享受这冬日里的奇妙时刻! 欣赏Dancing Lights、玫瑰园、美味的食物,以及四周华丽的灯光表演! 

开放时间为11月25日至12月24日,每天下午4:00 – 10:00! 可以在他们的网站上购票。 

7. PNE冬季集市的

PNE冬季集市的特色是音乐会、滑冰和许多提供美味食品的小铺,以及购物体验和灯光表演! 在一个地点收获所有精彩的冬日体验。 


8. Langley Christmas Glow

Langley Christmas Glow提供一个神奇的圣诞体验。你将一次观赏过巨大的装饰品,层层叠叠的灯光,和可爱的圣诞树!还有一个对所有人开放的游乐场,在那里你可以见到各种圣诞人物,探索流动餐车,拜访圣诞老人,并乘坐Glow Comotive! 


9. Lafarge的灯光

  1. Lafarge的灯光景点位于Coquitlam,有live表演、食品小铺和家庭工艺品散布在装饰精美的湖泊周围! 

这个景点从11月26日到1月底、每天下午5:00 – 8:00开放。他们的具体活动安排可以在其网站上找到。这个活动是免费的! 

10. Capilano Canyon Lights

Capilano Canyon Lights是一个冬季奇境,你可以在壮丽的桥梁上探索大自然。该景点位于卡皮拉诺吊桥公园,可以来呼吸一下新鲜空气,同时还有许多拍照的机会,包括灯光隧道和七座吊桥! 

这个景点的开放时间为11月19日至1月22日,每天上午11:00-晚上9:00(圣诞节当天不开放)! 票价不同,可以在网站上查询。 

11. Steveston Village的冬天

Steveston village的冬天将标志性的购物中心变成了一个冬季仙境! 在欣赏灯光和节日音乐的同时,还可以来浏览各种商店。这个景点位于Richmond,将从12月01日至31日进行装饰。 

12. 圣保罗医院的Lights of Hope

圣保罗医院的Lights of Hope是一项年度筹款活动,在这里您可以欣赏到漂亮的灯光展示和深受喜爱的节日传统。今年将在11月17日启动,灯光会持续到1月初。 

这些灯光是免费观赏的景点,但你可以向Lights of Hope捐款,赞助一颗星,或获得一颗 “希望之家 “星,以帮助医院和长期护理项目。请查看他们的网站以了解完整的细节。 

13. 最后的最后,你可以烤一些饼干,放一部圣诞电影,享受一些热巧克力,在家里和亲人一起享受一些节日的时光!这是最重要的。毕竟,正是享受这些的季节~ 

14. 值得一提的是,关于温哥华和UBC附近的其他活动,

  • AMS UBCAMS Nest的Instagram账号经常分享我们以及校园内其他俱乐部和学生组织举办的活动! 
  • UBC Student Life账号,正如它的名字一样,发布与学生相关的内容,以及介绍校园内发生的各种活动!你可以关注他们并通过他们的博文了解校园内发生的最新活动。 
  • 如果你喜欢party,请查看AMS Events账号了解节日派对以及全年的其他活动。


5 Ways to Feel More Connected With UBC Campus

by Karen Chen

Do you ever feel that the idea of “fun” in student life is centered around partying, joining clubs, and constantly being surrounded by your school community? Movies advertise the extroverted lifestyle – big school dances, crazy ragers, insane pep rallies, and dozens of smiling faces.

The truth is, it can all be a little intimidating at times. Maybe you prefer a quiet night in or value one-on-ones with friends. The good news is that your university experience can be equally as fulfilling and fun as an introvert. Here are a series of things you can do on campus to feel connected and involved!

1. Grab a drink from Blue Chip & hit the turf

Take advantage of these sunny days with the refreshing summer drinks from Blue Chip! Sitting on the turf and chatting with a friend is a great way to create a meaningful connection and get to that deeper level of connection with a friend. If you are in the mood for solo activity, catching a nap or diving into a good book is a great way to spend the afternoon as well!

Some of the yummy Blue Chip summer drinks are butterfly lemonade, iced green mint tea, strawberry matcha latte, and cookie smoothie (where you can choose your favourite Blue Chip cookie to blend).

2. Visit the various gardens on campus

There are so many gorgeous gardens on campus! They serve as a wonderful place to read, journal, or do a little photo shoot with a friend. Here are some must-sees:

  • Nitobe Garden – you get free entry when you have your UBC card, this is a scenic place to relax and take pretty pictures!
  • UCLL Bench – listen to the relaxing water of this serene location right beside the rose garden 
  • The fence behind the Museum of Anthropology – this is the loveliest place to catch sunsets! Be sure to bring some bug spray. 
  • Botanical Garden – this is also free entry with a UBC card, and they also have a TreeWalk suspended bridge that is $9 for students! It is so gorgeous when the flowers are in bloom. 
  • Rose Garden – the classic destination, sometimes you can catch graduation or wedding happening!
  • Pacific Spirit Regional Park – a very refreshing and peaceful walk where you can find yourself immersed in nature and greenery. There are tons of trails to choose from of different lengths and sceneries!

3. Go museum-hopping and exploring around campus

Do you know how many hidden gems our campus has? I did not even realize we had this many museums until composing this list! Here they are, for a lovely solo educational day or sightseeing with a friend:

  • Museum of Anthropology (MOA) – the classic! Check out all the different interesting cultural exhibits in the building across the rose garden—free entry for UBC students. 
  • Beaty Biodiversity Museum – beyond the whale skeleton lay rows upon rows of various animal models and cool facts about them. See them in action here! Free entry for UBC students.
  • Hatch Art Gallery – this is in the Nest (2nd floor) and displays artwork from different students, switching out every couple of months. It’s also UBC’s only student-run exhibition space! Open weekdays from 12:00 – 4:00 PM.
  • Visit all the Indigenous art on campus – As you walk around, read up on the stories behind the Indigenous art on campus.
  • Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery – check out this interesting gallery with different featured exhibits. Free admission and tours are available and open on weekdays 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM and on weekends 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
  • AHVA (Art History, Visual Art, & Theory) Gallery at the Audain Art Centre – this art gallery is located near the Ponderosa residences, hosting different artworks, lectures, and performances. Open on Tuesdays to Fridays from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

4. Sit on the swing chair in the Nest and people watch

Simple as this sounds, it can be a ton of fun! The Nest has a series of study spaces on the west side of the building, where it is a lot more hidden from the open space and has plenty of peace and quiet. The swing chair faces MacInnes Field, where people are playing sports, reading, snoozing, or grabbing coffee with their friends. 

Check out these other study spots in the Nest!

5. Exercise in a way that you enjoy

If going to the gym and hitting the weights is not your thing, no worries! There are many opportunities to exercise in ways that are fulfilling to you personally.

  • Runs around campus – we are lucky to be on such a spacious campus, take advantage of it by drafting different routes and going for runs! 
  • Wreck Beach stairs – At 500 steps each way, be sure to stay hydrated, and do not forget to enjoy the views and greenery!
  • Gym sessions at the ARC or the Birdcoop Fitness Centre – personally, I love the gym as a little bit of solo time away from everything. I just put in my headphones and get immersed in working towards a healthier version of myself. Going around noon usually ensures a gym that is not too packed!
  • Fitness classes – did you know that when you purchase a UBC gym membership, group fitness classes are automatically included? This has everything from pilates, spin, HIIT, and boot camps to yoga – something for everyone and their different comfort levels! It is a great deal as well, and a place to potentially meet people of the same interest! Check out the full schedule of fitness classes
  • University Golf Club – are you a golf fan? The driving range is an awesome way to practice your sport, and you can receive incredible deals with your UBC student card. 
  • Ice Skating at Thunderbird Arena – as a UBC student, you receive free or discounted admission to so many places! Take advantage of that by booking free skating sessions (skate rentals cost extra, but are still discounted for UBC students).
  • Swimming at the Aquatic Centre – use your UBC student card to book free swims at the Aquatic Centre (the late-night ones hit different).


I hope this list gives you a more comprehensive view of how to get more connected with the campus, and that you now have an activity in mind of what future activity to do. Have a wonderful rest of your summer!