by Karen Chen; Chinese translation by Alicia Wang
Are you going to be on campus or in Vancouver around the holidays? Still trying to figure out what to do? No worries, we have a list compiled for you to keep your days busy and fulfilling – while not breaking the bank!
1. Ice skating
Ice skating is a classic winter activity, and there are many options around the Vancouver area for you!
2. Go shopping for Christmas sales around Metro Vancouver
Never a bad idea to get started early on Christmas gifts! Some major malls are:
- Pacific Centre (downtown Vancouver)
- Metrotown (Burnaby)
- Guildford Town Centre (Surrey)
- Tsawwassen Mills (Tsawwassen)
- Richmond Centre (Richmond)
3. Go for a swim at the UBC Aquatic Center, then warm up in the hot tub or sauna! This is free for UBC students – check their drop-in schedule to book your spot!
4. Vancouver Christmas Market
A traditional Christmas market! Check out the merry-go-round, live performances and singers, photo backdrops, and various cultural foods! This attraction is open from November 12th until December 24th, and have sales and discounts on their ticket prices on certain days of the week
5. Stanley Park Bright Nights
This pretty attraction includes attractions such as the antique fire truck, giant red reindeer, and sparkling tunnel of lights in the plaza. They also have food vendors and live performances. It will be on display from December 1st until January 1st and is entry by donation – with all the proceeds going to BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund. Open from 4-10PM daily!
6. VanDusen Festival of Lights
VanDusen Festival of Lights features a stunning display of lights where you can go with friends, family, or any loved ones to enjoy the magical moments of winter! Enjoy Dancing Lights, the Rose Garden, tasty treats, and the gorgeous light shows all around!
Open from November 25th until December 24th, 4-10PM daily! Tickets can be found on their website.
7. PNE Winter Fair
PNE Winter Fair features concerts, skating, and many yummy food vendors combined with shopping experiences and light displays! Get all your wonderful winter experiences in one place.
It will be happening December 14-23, 4:30-10:30PM daily, and ticket prices can be found on their website. Check out their group rates if you are in a group of 10 or more!
8. Langley Christmas Glow
Langley Christmas Glow features a magical Christmas experience with a walk-through of giant ornaments, cascading lights, and lovely festive trees! There is also a playground open to everyone where you can meet various Christmas characters, explore food trucks, visit Santa, and ride on the Glow Comotive!
Open from November 23rd until December 31st, various times depending on weekdays and weekends. Tickets can be purchased through their websites, and ticket prices vary.
9. Lights at Lafarge
Lights at Lafarge is an attraction in Coquitlam featuring live performances, food vendors, and family crafts scattered around the beautifully decorated lake!
This attraction is on from November 26th to the end of January from 5-8PM daily, and their specific event schedule can be found on their website. This event is free!
10. Capilano Canyon Lights
Capilano Canyon Lights is a winter wonderland where you can explore nature from beautifully bedazzled bridges. Located in Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, come to breathe in the fresh air while enjoying the many photo opportunities including the light tunnel, and seven suspended bridges!
This attraction is open from November 19th to January 22nd, 11AM-9pm every day (closed December 25th)! Ticket prices vary and can be found on their website.
11. Winter in Steveston Village
Winter in Steveston Village transforms the iconic shopping center into a winter wonderland! Come browse through the variety of stores while enjoying the lights and holiday music. This attraction in Richmond will be decorated from December 1-31.
12. Lights of Hope At St. Paul’s Hospital
Lights of Hope At St. Paul’s Hospital is an annual fundraising campaign where you can enjoy the pretty light displays and the beloved holiday tradition. Launch day this year was November 17th, and the lights will stay on until the beginning of January.
These lights are a free attraction, but you can donate to Lights of Hope, Sponsor a Star, or get a Hope at Home Star to help out the hospital and long-term care programs. Check out their website for full details.
13. Things to do at home
Last but not least, you can:
- Bake some cookies
- Put on a Christmas movie
- Enjoy some hot chocolate
Enjoy some festive times at home with loved ones! Tis the season, after all.
14. Notable mentions of other events around Vancouver and UBC
- The AMS UBC and AMS Nest account often features events and campaigns held by us as well as by other clubs and student organizations around campus! Check out our stories for the latest updates.
- The UBC Student Life account, true to its name, publishes relatable student content as well as features various events and socials happening around campus! You can follow them and check out their stories to stay updated with the latest events happening that week on campus.
- If you are into the party scene, check out AMS Events for holiday parties as well as other banger events throughout the whole year!
We hope this post gave you some more ideas of what to do around UBC and the greater Vancouver area this winter season – happy holidays!
1. 溜冰是
2. 去Metro Vancouver进行圣诞购物
- 市中心的Pacific Centre
- Metrotown (Burnaby)
- Guildford Town Centre (Surrey)
- Tsawwassen Mills (Tsawwassen)
- 和Richmond Centre
3. 在UBC的Aquatic Center游泳, 然后在热水池或桑拿房里暖和暖和!这些对于UBC的学生是免费的,记得查看他们的活动时间表来预定你的位置!
4. 温哥华圣诞市场Vancouver Christmas Market
5. 斯坦利公园Bright Nights
景点将在12月1日至1月1日期间展出,捐款即可进入观展–所有收入都将用于BC省专业消防员的烧伤基金。开放时间为每天下午4:00 – 10:00!
6. VanDusen灯光节的特色
VanDusen灯光节的特色是令人惊叹的灯光效果,你可以和朋友、家人或任何亲人一起去享受这冬日里的奇妙时刻! 欣赏Dancing Lights、玫瑰园、美味的食物,以及四周华丽的灯光表演!
开放时间为11月25日至12月24日,每天下午4:00 – 10:00! 可以在他们的网站上购票。
7. PNE冬季集市的
PNE冬季集市的特色是音乐会、滑冰和许多提供美味食品的小铺,以及购物体验和灯光表演! 在一个地点收获所有精彩的冬日体验。
8. Langley Christmas Glow
Langley Christmas Glow提供一个神奇的圣诞体验。你将一次观赏过巨大的装饰品,层层叠叠的灯光,和可爱的圣诞树!还有一个对所有人开放的游乐场,在那里你可以见到各种圣诞人物,探索流动餐车,拜访圣诞老人,并乘坐Glow Comotive!
9. Lafarge的灯光
- Lafarge的灯光景点位于Coquitlam,有live表演、食品小铺和家庭工艺品散布在装饰精美的湖泊周围!
这个景点从11月26日到1月底、每天下午5:00 – 8:00开放。他们的具体活动安排可以在其网站上找到。这个活动是免费的!
10. Capilano Canyon Lights
Capilano Canyon Lights是一个冬季奇境,你可以在壮丽的桥梁上探索大自然。该景点位于卡皮拉诺吊桥公园,可以来呼吸一下新鲜空气,同时还有许多拍照的机会,包括灯光隧道和七座吊桥!
这个景点的开放时间为11月19日至1月22日,每天上午11:00-晚上9:00(圣诞节当天不开放)! 票价不同,可以在网站上查询。
11. Steveston Village的冬天
Steveston village的冬天将标志性的购物中心变成了一个冬季仙境! 在欣赏灯光和节日音乐的同时,还可以来浏览各种商店。这个景点位于Richmond,将从12月01日至31日进行装饰。
12. 圣保罗医院的Lights of Hope
圣保罗医院的Lights of Hope是一项年度筹款活动,在这里您可以欣赏到漂亮的灯光展示和深受喜爱的节日传统。今年将在11月17日启动,灯光会持续到1月初。
这些灯光是免费观赏的景点,但你可以向Lights of Hope捐款,赞助一颗星,或获得一颗 “希望之家 “星,以帮助医院和长期护理项目。请查看他们的网站以了解完整的细节。
13. 最后的最后,你可以烤一些饼干,放一部圣诞电影,享受一些热巧克力,在家里和亲人一起享受一些节日的时光!这是最重要的。毕竟,正是享受这些的季节~
14. 值得一提的是,关于温哥华和UBC附近的其他活动,