2SLGBTQIA+ student groups on UBC campus

2SLGBTQIA+ student groups on UBC campus

2SLGBTQIA+ student groups on UBC campus

This page lists communities you can join as a 2SLGBTQIA+ student at UBC. The list is always changing – please check this page often to see if new groups have been added! If your student group would like to be added to this page, please contact us.

Queer-led/ -empowering communities

The Pride Collective at UBC

The Pride Collective is a community-first student-run resource group for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community at UBC Vancouver. They are a non-hierarchical collective of students committed to making UBC a more welcoming and inclusive space for all. They provide:

  • a safe community space
  • weekly discussion groups
  • various on-campus events
  • free gender-affirming clothing and gear
  • a hungry hamper
  • resources for queer students, faculty, and community members

Instagram: @prideubc

Linktree: linktr.ee/ubcpride

Out on the Shelves Library

Out on the Shelves is Vancouver’s oldest LGBT2QIA+ library! They are a 100% volunteer-run public library. Contact info:

Gears and Queers

Gears and Queers is a club for LGBTQ+ Engineering and STEM students at UBC. They strive to build and support a community for queer and trans engineering students. They host events throughout the year so follow them on Instagram @gears.and.queers or email them at gears.and.queers@gmail.com

Faculty / Department Student-Led Intersectionality Groups

Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Equity & Inclusion Department

The AUS Equity & Inclusion Department is focused on supporting the diverse needs of Arts students at UBC. Through this department, we hope to approach key issues facing equity-seeking Arts students by reinforcing AUS policy and strategy; hosting educational and community-focused events; & creating informative and engaging social media campaigns on Instagram @ausequity.

Email: equitycommissioner@aus.ubc.ca

Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice (GRSJ) Undergraduates Association

The Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice Undergraduates Association is a student-led organization, open to all students of UBC. GRSJUA aims to create safe, radical spaces on campus for students to gather and share needs, resources, and experiences. Contact info:

Land & Food Systems (LFS) Undergraduate Society (LFSUS) Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Subcommittee

An inclusive environment within the LFS Faculty through educational and advocacy-focused initiatives. The subcommittee is made up of individuals who strive to advocate for BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, and any other community that face marginalization. Emails:

Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Working Group

The SUS Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group organizes initiatives aimed to uphold the principles of equity (the fair and respectful treatment of all people), launch events to support underrepresented and/or systemically excluded groups, and foster an inclusive and welcoming science community. We will facilitate events and initiatives to support the BIPOC community, 2SLGBTQIA+ students, and members of other marginalized groups. Contact: