


Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or just need clear your mind? Here2Talk is a free BC-wide counseling and referral service avaialble to UBC students 24/7. Young people between the ages of 15-24 are more likely to have mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders than any other age group – as age group most UBC students fall into.

Services include:

  • 24/7 access to chat with a trained counselor
  • Speak to a trained counselor by phone
  • Articles and resources to help you cope with the challenges of student life, health, living away from home, relationships and much more!

To get started download the Here2Talk app from Google Play or the App Store.

What is Here2Talk?

Here2Talk is a Government-led initiative launched by the Government of British Columbia in order to improve the access and quality of mental health services for all post-secondary students. 

The province recognizes that young individuals between the ages of 15-24 are more likely to report mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders than any other age group, and determined that a province-wide 24/7 counseling and referral service for post-secondary students is a necessary and valuable option to support young British Columbians.


All students that are currently registered to study at any post-secondary institution in British Columbia (whether that’s public or private) are eligible for this program! This includes:

  • Full-time and part-time students
  • Domestic students
  • In-bound international students
  • Outbound study abroad students
  • Online or distance education students
  • Students enrolled in private training programs
  • Preparatory level all the way through Masters and PhD students

Recent alumni and graduated students are not eligible to access this program.

Languages Supported

Real-time chat and call services are guaranteed in English and French only. However, if you are more comfortable speaking in another language, call in to make the request and Here2Talk will do their best to match you with a counselor that can support your preferred language. 

Commonly requested languages are: Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Spanish and Arabic. Although there are providers in-house that are able to service these languages, it is not guaranteed that they will be available at the time of your call.

 In this case, Here2Talk will provide the service in English and include their translation line service partners to dictate the conversation in your preferred language. 

Privacy and Confidentiality 

Here2Talk is confidential, aligning with Canada’s privacy laws and regulations that protect personal and identifiable health-related information. This means that your friends, family, professors, etc. will not know that you used the program unless you choose to tell them.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about services that British Columbia, UBC and Canada provide for mental health, visit