AMS Student Services, including AMS Advocacy, are confidential. Your personal information, including your name, your student ID or other identifying information collected by AMS Services will never be shared with external parties without your express permission, except if the following situations arise:
There are reasonable grounds to believe that you are likely to harm yourself or another person.
There are reasonable grounds to believe that a child or youth under 19 is at risk of being abused or neglected.
Your records have been subpoenaed by a court of law.
I understand and agree:
AMS Advocacy staff are not lawyers and do not provide legal advice.
AMS Advocacy will not handle my case on my behalf and it is my responsibility to make inquiries, draft documents, and follow up with relevant parties.
AMS Advocacy cannot act as my representative at a university hearing. I must personally appear and speak for myself.
AMS Advocacy may refuse assistance when services are being used for an improper purpose or there is no reasonable prospect of success.
AMS Services may share anonymized and aggregated information (e.g. faculty, issue type, common challenges) in public reports for both reporting and advocacy purposes. No identifying details (name, dates, detailed case information) are included. My explicit consent will be requested by AMS Services prior to sharing any details of my case which could be identifying in any way.
To indicate your understanding and agreement, please type your full name below.