Winter Break 2024 Nest Hours

About AMS Equity

About AMS Equity

About AMS Equity

Systemic racism, exclusion, and colonial subversion has historically been neglected and in turn perpetuated by institutional exercises. AMS historically has failed to successfully acknowledge and implement equity initiatives and in turn, has been complicit in its involvement in colonial and oppressive institutional structures. With the consideration of historically marginalized communities whose students attend UBC, and the persistence of systemic discrimination throughout Canadian society it is becoming increasingly evident that AMS has a responsibility as a student society to take concrete steps to counteract all forms of exclusion. We therefore strive to ensure that all students are able to engage in the wide variety of services, activities, and opportunities AMS provides. This requires heightened awareness of various barriers to participation as well as the elimination of all forms discrimination and harassment. In order to lead to long lasting change, AMS must continue to hold itself and the university accountable. This change will only be effective if considerations of barriers to equity for historically, persistently, or systematically marginalized groups are at the core of all AMS operations.

Equity​, is a term which goes beyond equality to state that equal status is not enough. Equity in turn recognizes systemic disadvantages that certain groups have compared to others. In light of these important considerations AMS therefore seeks to build institutional awareness around lapses in equity that influence the lived experiences of historically, persistently, and systematically marginalized groups.

Historically, persistently, or systematically marginalized groups,​ a group in which their presence historically in post secondary institutions in British Columbia have been underrepresented or systematically removed from involvement with the AMS. These groups include, yet are not limited to women, Indigenous students, racialized students, students with visible and invisible disability, and LGBTQ2+ students. We also recognize that these identities may often intersect and therefore influence lived experiences on a multifaceted level, therefore AMS recognizes the critical importance of maintaining an intersectional lens in consideration of equity gaps.

Contact: Associate VP of Equity and Inclusion – ​
The Associate of Equity and Inclusion is responsible for assisting in AMS projects that incorporate an equity lens. This year the E & I associate is responsible for liaising with the External Consultant and the University on the implementation of the AMS Equity Plan, which will include an in-depth look at current AMS policies and frameworks, and how they influence outcomes of equity for UBC students.