Sustainable Projects Fund

Primary Contact Information


Secondary Contact Information


Additional Team Members

Project Information

Small or large Project (Small project < $5,000, Large Project > $5,000?)(Required)
Projects requesting over $5,000 will be reviewed by Finance committee and therefore will need additional review time.
Please provide a description of the key objectives of this project. This can include, but is not limited to the background context of the project, why you are doing this project, what problems are you hoping to address through this project. Please outline key project details and insert any relevant links that provide information about your project or organization. You can also list any background research that has supported the development of the project.
Has your project been previously funded by SPF(Required)
What are the concrete action items you plan to uphold your projects long-term impact?

Project Impact

Anticipate qualitative and quantitive outcomes in regards to education, community engagement, collective action, and social change

Project Stakeholders

Please describe how students will be involved in project planning, and how students will be impacted by this project.
Please list external collaborators/partners if any.
If your project involved a physical installation, please identify who will be in charge of project maintenance and how maintenance costs will be covered.

Sustainability Development Goals

Learn more about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals by clicking here


Please be as detailed as possible when filling out the budget form (eg. exact prices per item) You can view a budget template example by clicking here
Max. file size: 6 MB.


MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please submit your final report within 1 month of your project end date.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please attach your project timeline here
Max. file size: 6 MB.