


The AMS manages a budget of close to $23 million dollars. Where does that money come from and how is it spent?


AMS Budget

The Budget is the foundation for AMS finances and operations. This document is updated on an annual basis as income and expenses fluctuate depending on student enrollment, the projects, services, and agenda of Student Government, as well as the broader economy. The society generates revenues from three main areas: student fees, businesses and investments. The estimated revenue for the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year is roughly twenty-two million dollars ($23,000,000). This can be broken down into two major sub-elements: Non-Discretionary Transfer and Net Discretionary Revenue.


Non-Discretionary Transfers describes money that is automatically given to AMS subsidiary organizations and constituencies, which are responsible for how that money is spent. For Fiscal Year 2019-20, Non-Discretionary Transfers make up just under 91% of total revenue, amounting to roughly nineteen million five hundred thousand dollars ($20,900,000). These transfers include revenue collected through student fees, which after collection, are transferred to the appropriate AMS subsidiary organizations and constituencies.


After the Non-Discretionary Transfers are made, and the Student Health and Dental Plan premiums are paid out, the Society is left with the ‘Net Discretionary Revenue’. For Fiscal year 2019-20, this is over $2,600,000. This ‘Discretionary Income’ is the portion of Revenue the Vice-President Finance and Budget Committee of Student Council use to pay for the administration of Student Government, AMS Student Services, Financial Aid, Programs and Publications, and additional services, including lobbying deemed necessary to improve the academic, personal and social lives of the students at UBC.